Glassless Minds Poetry Slam Season?
During the months of September through March, Glassless Minds holds our annual Glassless Minds Slam Season on the second Thursday of every month. The slams are open to everyone who wishes to sign up. The slams are limited to 12 contestants, so it is a first come first serve basis. Though everyone who signs up has the opportunity to read in the first round, the lineup for subsequent rounds is determined by the judges’ scores. In other words, the judges vote for which poets they want to see more work from.
What is a Poetry Slam?
Simply put, poetry slam is the competitive art of performance poetry. It puts a dual emphasis on writing and performance, encouraging poets to focus on what they're saying and how they're saying it. For a more in-depth explanation, click the SLAM link below to check out detailed information regarding poetry slams from Poetry Slam Inc.